Web Directions South 07 – a thank you

It’s the day after the conclusion of the Web Directions South 2007 conference, and my brain is still pinging! Two days of total immersion in everything good about web development, presentation after presentation full of inspiration, meeting with peers in the real world – the original social network – and relaxing with a few beers,

Web Directions 06

From a rumour, to a promise, to fulfilment. Maxine Sherrin and John Allsopp have pulled together a fantastic program of speakers for the inaugural Web Directions conference in Sydney, and look to improve on the previous Web Essentials conferences. Over two big days of WD06, plus two days of workshops, you’ll hear from international speakers:

Web Essentials is dead – long live Web Directions

As the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining, and the silver lining to the demise of the Web Essentials conferences in Sydney is the birth of Web Directions. The new WD06 conference is organised and managed by two of the three people who brought us WE04 and WE05, Maxine Sherrin and John Allsopp,